View Larger Image E-Tafkeek Brochures By adminn|2019-06-15T12:37:09+00:00June 15th, 2019|News|Comments Off on E-Tafkeek Brochures Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWhatsappGoogle+TumblrPinterestVkEmail Related Posts Participation of dismantling in the waste management and recycling conference in Jordan Gallery Participation of dismantling in the waste management and recycling conference in Jordan Participation deconstruction in the sustainability networks in the Amman Chamber of Industry Gallery Participation deconstruction in the sustainability networks in the Amman Chamber of Industry Participation in the training of a number of engineers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jordan, on training on green entrepreneurship, recycling and converting the idea into a project Gallery Participation in the training of a number of engineers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Jordan, on training on green entrepreneurship, recycling and converting the idea into a project E-waste Recycling Opportunity Gallery E-waste Recycling Opportunity Participation in a training workshop with UNDP regarding how to separate and recycle electronic waste in Jordan Gallery Participation in a training workshop with UNDP regarding how to separate and recycle electronic waste in Jordan